This past July, Japan mourned the passing of Dr. Shigeaki Hinohora, a physician and longevity expert who himself lived until the age of 105. He was considered a national treasure and someone who had enormous impact on the lives of Japanese citizens, who live longer than any people on the planet. Still practicing medicine until a few months before he died, Dr. Hinohora was known for his incredible energy, vitality and love of life. He not only practiced medicine, but was a best- selling author and someone who fought vigorously against the concept of retirement. In case you missed notice of his passing, read about his remarkable life Here. And to read a summary of his wisdom for living a long and healthy life, check out his advice Here. Finally, consider the following: While Dr. Hinohora was able to practice medicine well into his 100s, should there be any limits on the practice of aging physicians? It’s a controversial topic, as advanced age does not necessarily equate with the loss of skills or abilities, but some states and physician organizations are now beginning to grapple with the aging of our physician workforce. Read a sample of what’s happening in this arena by Clicking Here.