Flying Too Low: Aging Parents And Helicopter Children
Flying Too Low: Aging Parents And Helicopter Children
April 27, 2018
You may worry about their whereabouts, or what drugs they’re taking- or even about whom they’re dating. And no, we’re not talking about teenage children. In fact, these days many of us are concerned about our older parents and whether they are at risk or in danger. Sometimes the worry has the best of intentions- and sometimes, it stems from concern for our own burdens or responsibilities. Either way, the best advice may be to back off or at least step back. A recent piece in the Wall Street Journal (paywall) highlights the conflicts that may arise when “helicopter children” fly a little too low, to the annoyance of their older parents. It’s a fine line to walk between respecting your parents’ autonomy and fearing for their safety but remember- they’ve earned the right to take risks, so long as they understand the risks they’re taking. And if you want a resource for some helpful advice, for both you and your aging parents, don’t forget to check in with Dr. Leslie Kernisan and her website, Better Health While Aging, especially her advice on Helping Older Parents.