Final Acts: Planning Your Own Funeral

Final Acts: Planning Your Own Funeral
August 16, 2018
It’s hard enough getting older, but do we also have to contemplate our own funeral? Some of us have the irrational fear that if we make funeral plans it will hasten our demise. Others of us just can’t wrap our heads around the prospect of arranging for our own funeral, even if we know rationally it makes sense for us to be involved. Yet some of us have strong feelings about the matter and are more than happy to take charge.
In which camp do you fall? Well, take some advice and consider some advance planning. Not only will your loved ones appreciate the forethought during their time of grief but they will have the comfort of knowing that the arrangements are in accordance with what you wanted. And from an economic standpoint? Grieving relatives often make irrational- and costly- decisions. So pull yourself together and make some plans by Reading Here.
And some of us are so specific about what we want that we even plan the ultimate event- a Destination Funeral! Did you know this was a thing? If you want loved ones to travel far and wide in memory and celebration of your life, then you’ve got to plan ahead- and perhaps even leave some money in your estate to cover the costs. For more details on how to make such plans, Click Here.
And if you’re wondering what funerals of the future are going to look like, then read about the latest architectural innovations for funeral homes. Specifically, one group of architects has re-envisioned the whole funeral parlor setting, designing an uplifting rather than depressing environment, and allowing digital technology to be integrated into the mourning process. To step into the future of funeral homes, contemplate some beloved memories and Take a look Here.