Fashionable Defiance: Using Fashion To Be Visible And Empowered
Fashionable Defiance: Using Fashion To Be Visible And Empowered
September 18, 2019
It’s fall and for some of us, that means one major thing: fashion season, when the latest trends sashay down the runway and we’re shown what will be in the stores (or online) next spring. One surprising and positive trend? It seems that more older women are walking the runway and popping up in beauty ads, in recognition of the economic power of older women. As pointed out in The Guardian, the over-50 crowd accounts for a significant percentage of spending power, so ignoring this demographic on the runways or in beauty ads makes no business sense. And, it seems, the more visible older women are in the public eye, the more empowered and confident they may feel in their day-to-day lives.
For a fabulous way of understanding how fashion can push women to defy the invisibility that many older women experience, meet Judith Rizzio, the 65-year-old self-described “style activist” from Portland, Oregon who runs a consulting service called “Out of Our Closet.” Rizzio has helped pioneer the concept of fashion as a way to help women transform and grow bolder. As she states, “I give women permission that they won’t give themselves,” as she guides and encourages them to discover clothing that won’t let them fade into the woodwork. Read more about her colorful approach to fashion in the later years by clicking here. Rizzio is also an advocate for incorporating second-hand and inexpensive clothing into your wardrobe to create your style and image. Along those same lines, you may want to check out this recent post on Who What Wear, interviewing 64-year-old fashion editor Susan Feldman (founder of the shopping website One King’s Lane and the new style blog for older women In The Groove) on what she would buy from the fast-fashion store Zara this fall. Nothing like some fun costume jewelry or a new jazzy jacket to punch up your wardrobe and make you visible!