Entertainment Updates: Fall Releases On Demand And In Theaters

Entertainment Updates: Fall Releases On Demand And In Theaters
September 2, 2020
It’s been a while since we brought you news of updates from the world of entertainment. Many of us have been taking advantage of the summer weather and outdoor options so that sitting in front of a screen, either at home or even in a theater, has not been as inviting. But as the season turns to fall and the temperature begins to drop, you may be in search of some new visual options to occupy your mind, engage your heart and distract you from the news of the pandemic and the polls. For that, we have some suggestions.
First, from the television world. AARP has a comprehensive look into what this fall’s television season will look like, including new shows, returning shows, mini-series, and foreign features. So grab your remote and click here. Or take a look here at some books that will become major streaming events this fall and look here for movies to stream at home that would otherwise have been viewed in your local indie theater. Or catch these options available for home streaming from major film festivals around the country.
More generally, there are new and updated lists of movies for streaming and in-person viewing that will become available now that fall is approaching. So check out these listings by clicking here and here.
Finally, many of us will be facing the dilemma of virtual or reality: that is, do we watch from home or do we dare enter an actual movie theater to watch on the big screen, especially for those big blockbusters that no in-home monitor can quite capably capture. If you’re trying to assess the risk versus the reward, grab your candy and take a look at this recent post in Vulture, “Is It Safe to Go to a Movie Theater Right Now?”