Dollar Days: In Tough Times, Senior Discounts Are Welcome

Dollar Days: In Tough Times, Senior Discounts Are Welcome
March 22, 2023
It’s no secret that times are tough for many people right now. With inflation still high, investment accounts with low values, and retirement budgets often fixed, older adults may be struggling to keep up with expenses, let alone afford some little luxuries that one hopes are attainable during retirement. According to AARP, 42% of adults over 50 are either working in retirement for financial reasons or expect to do so. As we noted in a previous post, ⅓ of those over 80 rely almost exclusively on Social Security for their income each month. That’s a large number of people living on a fixed income during inflationary times. If you fall into that category and are trying to make your limited means go further, take a look here.
But even if you have a bit of extra spending cash, these days we’re all looking for deals and bargains. In fact, interest in senior discounts appears to have risen significantly, as seen in such indicators as Yelp review mentions and surging membership in AARP. If you’re not familiar with some of the discounts and deals that are perks with AARP membership, pull out your card and click here.
You may also be surprised at the range of retailers, service providers, restaurants, and travel opportunities where sometimes deep discounts can be found for those of us over 65 (and in many cases beginning when one is in his or her 50s). Perhaps the most comprehensive list of all available senior discounts is to be found on the website Senior Living, whose charts of senior discounts include over 80 entities, ranging from restaurants and retailers to grocery stores and leisure activities. So take out your calculator and look at their list of discounts here.
And for some creative travel deals, you’re wise to read a recent post from Next Avenue. Retirement experts and travel adventurers Edd and Cynthia Staton detail how they (and you) can stretch dollars or whatever currency is used with travel deals around the globe. From tips about credit card points to strategizing about exchange rates, you’ll find their advice on discounts to be tantalizing and uplifting. Taking advantage of senior discounts does not mean you can’t have fun! Find out more by reading here.