Anyone who’s had a “senior moment” can understand the allure of pills that promise memory enhancement or cognitive clarity. It’s no fun feeling like a word is just out of reach or on the tip of your tongue. But these feelings also leave you vulnerable to scams and fraud. Manufacturers are preying on your concerns and will try to sell you pills or dietary supplements that claim to improve your memory or enhance your thinking, despite having no scientific data to back up their claims. It’s a multi-billion dollar industry that far too many of us succumb to. And now that Silicon Valley money is pouring in to this industry, the allure of these “smart drugs” will be harder to resist. For seniors, especially those already on various medications, the risk is not only that these dietary supplements won’t work but in fact, mixed with other drugs, they could do real harm. Read Here about the fantasy, and potential fraud, of this new class of drugs called nootropics.