Not Well Enough Alone: More Research On The Harmful Effects Of Loneliness
February 26, 2025
There’s no getting around the reality that for so many older adults, loneliness continues to be an overbearing part of everyday life. As we have noted in previous posts, even if you have contact with other people and you’re not socially isolated, you may still experience profound loneliness (the subjective…
All By Myself: Loneliness And Its Impact On Physical and Cognitive Health
May 8, 2024
It’s no surprise that older individuals often feel lonely, as close family and friends become distant or have passed away, and as illness and disability make it harder to connect and gather. We’ve covered this topic on many previous occasions but it’s still jarring to read new research that confirms…
Proximity and Purpose: How To Foster Intergenerational Friendships
November 29, 2023
Though it’s not uncommon for older adults to live their later years in age-segregated communities, either by choice or by necessity, there’s also something to be said about mixing it up with younger people. In fact, the concept of an intergenerational friendship- that is, having a friend who is at…
Embracing Aging: The Power Of A Positive Attitude
November 16, 2022
There’s a lot in the world to be anxious about these days, and that doesn’t even include your own personal set of challenges and losses as you get older. There’s no doubt that similar to childbirth, you never really know what getting older will be like until you actually go…
Moving On: Thoughtful Travel In Challenging Times
August 17, 2022
These are confusing times for travelers. When out and about, masks or no masks? When inside, what’s required? Vaccinations and boosters? Just the initial 2 doses? No proof at all? Moreover, given the economic times we’re in, with inflation running high, stock market fluctuations, and possible recession looming, is this…