News You Can Use: Some Recent COVID-19 Updates
November 4, 2020
As we enter our 9th month of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s important to take stock of what we’ve learned and to keep track of new information as it arises. You can find every agebuzz post touching on some aspect of the coronavirus pandemic here and you can rest assured that…
Round Three: Nursing Homes Gear Up For Another COVID Surge
October 28, 2020
The data show a clear picture of the devastation caused by the pandemic in long term care facilities. While residents of such facilities account for only 8% of COVID cases, deaths from long-term care cases account for nearly 40% of all COVID fatalities in the US (the majority of those…
Best Guesses: How Will Our Pandemic Lives Play Out Over The Coming Months
September 30, 2020
For many, the arrival of Fall typically kicks off an array of activities timed to celebrate upcoming holidays. From Halloween to Hanukkah, and Thanksgiving to Christmas, this is usually the time we begin to strategize who’s hosting which events and where we will be heading. But not this year. As…
Going Viral: The Coming “Twindemic” Of COVID And Flu
September 30, 2020
The hope was we’d be in a better place at this point. Early on in the COVID pandemic, there was always the worry that if we didn’t get the virus under control during the summer, we could face the potential of 2 viral threats at once: COVID 19 along with…
Word Of Mouth: Updated Insights About Dental Care During The Pandemic
September 23, 2020
So, have you headed back to your dentist yet? Has pain or vanity propelled you to return to your dental provider despite possible COVID risks? Although the World Health Organization recommends that routine dental visits continue to be postponed (except in cases of emergency) until transmission rates drop, many of…
Take This To Heart: Heart Health During This Time
August 19, 2020
It’s enough to make you stop in your tracks: Recently, Dr. Haider Warraich, a cardiologist and author of the book State of the Heart: Exploring The History, Science and Future of Cardiac Disease, warned that we may see a new wave of increased heart disease in our country as a…