One Step Ahead: The Benefits From Walking More Steps
March 19, 2025
Have the longer days and warmer weather inspired you to tie up your laces and get outside walking again? As we’ve continuously said, any physical movement is better than being sedentary, and the more you move, the better you’ll feel, especially if you’re outside surrounded by nature. So whether your…
Exercise Advice: Stay Consistent and Persistent To Achieve Results
March 5, 2025
The evidence is everywhere: Staying physically active and exercising are essential for healthy aging. But many of us struggle with how to implement that advice and adhere to an exercise program. Yes, we can take a walk, and we can try to stay active doing chores during the day (both…
Essential But Underutilized: Why Your Doctor Should Prescribe Exercise
February 19, 2025
Typically when you see your doctor, you might leave with a prescription for medication to address a specific problem. Or, you might receive a prescription for physical therapy to get you a limited number of sessions to help with some physical discomfort. But what you’re not likely to receive- but…
Fix Your Fitness: Develop An Exercise Routine You Can Stick To This Year
January 15, 2025
So how’s it going for you halfway through January? Have you started going to a gym? Is your exercise routine in full force? Are you now stronger and steadier on your feet? Few of us (if any) could answer positively to these questions. In fact, experts suggest that plunging into…
Stride And Stroll: How To Continue Walking This Winter
January 1, 2025
We’re at that time of year when the days are short (and likely cold), precipitation may be in the air, and your food consumption may have gone up with all of the holiday goodies and gatherings. Your head may know that it’s critical to keep physically active but your heart…
All Walks Of Life: The Connection Between Walking And Life Expectancy
November 20, 2024
If you’re heading out for your daily walk, or contemplating going for a walk later today, you’re already in good standing. As you likely know, and as we have covered in previous agebuzz posts, walking is an easy, accessible, and inexpensive way for you to stay active and healthy, especially…