Joint Review: Some Basics On Keeping Your Joints Pain-Free As You Age
February 14, 2024
If you’re reading agebuzz, it’s likely that you or someone you love has experienced joint pain. Although everyone has approximately 350 joints (a joint exists wherever 2 bones in your body meet), wear and tear from aging, overuse, or trauma means that older adults usually suffer more joint pain than…
No Slouching: Be Aware Of Your Posture As You Move On In Years
June 28, 2023
It’s clear that for agebuzz readers- really for anyone getting on in years- maintaining balance and preventing falls is an important topic. And while we regularly address balance and strength-building exercises, clutter clearance, and other fall prevention strategies, perhaps one of the more undiscussed but important areas of consideration is…
Summer Strolls: Why It’s So Valuable To Keep On Walking
June 15, 2022
It’s perhaps one of the most frequent recommendations we make on agebuzz: Keep moving and keep walking. The data is incontrovertible when it comes to the health value of walking: To support, maintain and even improve your physical, emotional, and cognitive health, it’s essential that you regularly and consistently walk,…
Strike A Balance: Recommended Exercises To Shore Up Your Balance
June 8, 2022
Here are some essential truths about our balance as we get older: First, few of us escape a balance decline as we age. It’s just a fact that our muscles lose strength, our joints become stiffer and the important info about our balance that travels from our body to the…
Go On Foot: Strategies To Maximize The Value Of Your Summer Walks
August 18, 2021
Now that we’re in the dog days of August, you’ve likely strategized to take your daily walks early in the morning or at dusk in the evening, to stay cool and comfortable while still getting in your steps. Those are good strategies, given how important walking is for your brain…
Shape Up: A Conversation With Certified Personal Trainer Sara Frederick
August 11, 2021
By now, you know how important movement and exercise are for your health and well-being. The problem is, depending on your current state of health and fitness, it may be a challenge to figure out what’s the best form of exercise. As we age, our bodies and abilities change and…