Figuring Out Falls: More Insights Into Why We Fall And What Can Be Done
February 5, 2025
There’s just no getting around the fact that as an older adult, you are at risk of falling and potentially causing serious injury to yourself. The reasons for falling are numerous and complex (everything from balance problems to vision or hearing issues, to weak muscles or problematic medications), but the…
Medicare 101: Reviewing Basics To Prepare For The Upcoming Annual Enrollment Period
September 13, 2023
As you likely know, Medicare is a federal program that provides health insurance to older Americans. Most people think Medicare is incredibly complicated (and it is), but if you break it down into pieces, it’s easier to understand and plan for your needs. In our desire to help you better…
Make Yourself At Home: More & More, Hospital Care Will Be Delivered At Home
May 3, 2023
We’ve previously posted about the risks confronting older adults when they are hospitalized– whether due to infections, disrupted sleep, delirium, or even falls due to sedentary behavior while hospitalized. Moreover, during the pandemic, doctors, patients, and healthcare systems all struggled to lessen the number of patients heading to hospitals, as…
Safety Measures: How Safe Are You As A Hospital Patient?
May 18, 2022
No one wants to be admitted to a hospital unless it’s absolutely necessary. Between the often long waits in the emergency department, the lack of privacy, and the onslaught of professionals coming in and out of your hospital room, it’s usually not a pleasant experience. Sometimes there’s no choice: a…
Fall Alert: Updates And Ideas As We Approach Fall Prevention Week In September
August 26, 2020
In a split second, your life can change forever: From upright to unconscious and from independent to helpless, all because of an unanticipated fall. Certainly, the data about falls and older adults are scary: It’s reported that an older adult dies from a fall every 19 minutes, and every 11…
Vanishing Act: What Happened To Those Of Us With Non-COVID Medical Needs?
May 6, 2020
Perhaps one of the biggest mysteries of the coronavirus outbreak has nothing to do with the virus itself, but rather what may be “collateral damage” from the pandemic: that is, patients who need important non-COVID-19 medical care but are not showing up at physician’s offices or hospitals. Given the guidance…