The List Goes On: More Factors Raising Your Risk For Dementia
August 21, 2024
Back in 2020, we highlighted a landmark report issued by The Lancet Commission which addressed modifiable risk factors for dementia and outlined lifestyle changes that could substantially lower your risk for being diagnosed with dementia. Among the modifiable factors within your control? Smoking, hearing loss, healthy diet and exercise. A…
Eat Better, Age Better: More Evidence That You Are What You Eat
August 7, 2024
If you’re fortunate, you have many choices to cook and eat daily. And you likely have some favorites regularly featured on your dinner plates. The question is, what are these choices doing to help you feel better and age healthier? Are you satisfying your taste buds at the expense of…
Slow It Down: Extend Your Health Span By Slowing Down Your Biological Aging
November 8, 2023
No doubt you know that people are living longer these days than in previous decades, something of a public health success for our country. In fact, the average life span of an American these days is 79 years and there’s a growing cohort of older adults who now live much…
Go Nuts: Your Diet (And Health) Will Benefit From Added Nuts
April 5, 2023
Regular agebuzz readers are aware of the physical and cognitive health benefits derived from adhering to a healthy diet. Among the most recognized and recommended diets is the Mediterranean diet, which primarily consists of fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, whole grains, lean proteins, legumes, seeds, and nuts. While not everyone consistently…
Heart Throb: How Do You Know If You’re Having A Heart Attack?
March 29, 2023
It may no longer be National Heart Health Month (which takes place every February) but it’s still critical to learn about heart health and your own heart attack risks. Every year, over 800,000 Americans have a heart attack, and for the majority of them, it’s a first heart attack, meaning…
Sick At Heart: A New Option For Cutting Your Bad Cholesterol
March 8, 2023
The estimates are staggering: nearly 40 million American adults take a statin in order to lower their levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, which can lead to blocked arteries and heart attacks if not kept under control. While a healthy lifestyle is also critical for keeping cardiac risk at bay, there’s…