Capsule Caution: What Supplements Do You Really Need?
September 15, 2021
With all the talk and attention on staying healthy these days, you may be tempted to ingest whatever you think can boost your vitamin and nutrient intake to the max. After all, if a small amount of vitamin C or calcium is good for you, isn’t more better? And isn’t…
Colds, Flu And You: What Have We Learned To Protect Ourselves Going Forward?
February 24, 2021
Those of us fortunate enough to have avoided COVID probably have something else to celebrate: no real flu and few common colds this winter. In fact, only about 1400 people in the US have tested positive for the flu this season, just a small fraction of the usual numbers. And…
Brain Boost? Why Supplements Are Unlikely To Help And May Even Harm
October 21, 2020
Many of us have felt the tug. Our memory’s not as good as it used to be or maybe we feel a little slow when we encounter something new or unfamiliar. We think maybe just a little harmless boost would help us navigate the strange new world we all seem…
Vitamin D During The Pandemic: Does The Data Show It Helps?
June 17, 2020
Right now, many of us are looking for whatever advice or edge we can find to keep ourselves healthy and avoid infection from the coronavirus (or at least limit its severity should we become infected). Recent reports have raised the question as to whether Vitamin D could be one more…
Pill Peddlers: How Safe Are Those Supplements You’re Taking?
February 19, 2020
No matter how committed you are to staying healthy as you age, no one is perfect. So we hope we can compensate for our vices in other ways to maintain our health. For example, an estimated ⅔ of us take dietary supplements. We spend $35 billion/year on these pills and…
Swallow This: What To Consider When Taking Meds As An Older Adult
January 8, 2020
If you’ve reached a certain age, chances are there are a lot of pill bottles lurking in your medicine cabinet. Some may be old and expired and you just don’t know how to get rid of them. Others may be over-the-counter meds for pain or allergy relief. And others may…