Time It Right: Optimal Sleep Practices As You Age
May 4, 2022
By now you probably know that getting sufficient sleep is one of the essential pillars of healthy aging. Ironically, as you age, you are more likely to have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep than when you were younger. The question is, how much nightly sleep should you ideally aim…
Upright And All Right: Get Rid Of That Poor Pandemic Posture
February 2, 2022
Let’s face it: the pandemic has allowed many to slide into a lazy way of being. You may have begun to eat more, exercise less, and generally indulge in habits that are engaging or distracting, but perhaps not always healthy. Along with that slide may be another physical, practical concern:…
Yoga For Health & Well Being: An Interview with Yoga Teacher Louise Applebome
November 10, 2021
No doubt, as an agebuzz reader, you’re likely aware of the physical and mental health benefits to be derived from practicing yoga. Yet some of you may still be reluctant to consider joining a yoga class or doing yoga in the privacy of your own home. If you’re not familiar…
Reach Out: Stretching Benefits And Key Equipment To Help You
March 24, 2021
No doubt most of us slow down as we get older. Getting out of a chair may take more effort and dashing out the door may not come as easily if you’re running late. In fact, research shows that after age 70, flexibility declines significantly, which may explain the challenge…
Moves To Choose: How To Decide Between Yoga And Tai Chi?
February 17, 2021
The advice has been strong and steady for some time now: Movement is essential for your health and well-being as you age. And while some of us will just hop on a mountain bike or run on a treadmill, for many, those are not realistic options. But as we’ve previously…
Mind Over Madness: Taking Up A Yoga Practice During The Pandemic
April 22, 2020
You’re not alone if you’ve reached the point in your quarantine where you’re beginning to feel a bit crazy. The news continues to be somber, the uncertainty hasn’t ceased and the summer is approaching- but you’re likely to spend much of your time indoors if the coronavirus has its way….