Athletic Achievement: What Is Exercise Doing For Your Brain And Body?
September 27, 2023
By now you probably know that exercise is an essential component of healthy aging: You simply must move your body on a consistent and regular basis to support both physical, cognitive, and emotional health and well-being. As we’ve said time and again, both aerobic exercise, to get your heart pumping…
Fall All Over: New CDC Data Shows Troubling Nationwide Increase in Deadly Falls
September 6, 2023
It’s a new month and we have a new study confirming the serious threat that falls pose to older adults. According to a recent report from the CDC examining the incidence of non-fatal and fatal falls among older adults (65 and older), from 2020-2021, there was a 7.6% increase in…
No Slouching: Be Aware Of Your Posture As You Move On In Years
June 28, 2023
It’s clear that for agebuzz readers- really for anyone getting on in years- maintaining balance and preventing falls is an important topic. And while we regularly address balance and strength-building exercises, clutter clearance, and other fall prevention strategies, perhaps one of the more undiscussed but important areas of consideration is…
For So Long: Exercise May Be Your Best Bet Right Now For Longevity
June 21, 2023
Judging from reader responses to last week’s post on a possible way to slow down aging, many of us would jump at the chance to stop the clock- or at least add more time to allow us to enjoy a longer life. Anti-aging “biohackers” are experimenting with ways to stay…
Bare Bones: Do You Know The Essentials About Osteoporosis?
June 21, 2023
Despite being classified as one of the 4 most dangerous health issues facing us today, and despite the fact that each year, 2 million broken bones are attributable to it, there’s still a lot of mystery and misunderstanding among older adults about osteoporosis. In fact, in a recent study of…
Public Health Peril: Nationwide Surge In Fatal Falls Reported
May 31, 2023
Maybe you wonder why agebuzz spends so much time focused on balance and fall prevention. Well, as we’ve previously pointed out, around the world falls are the primary cause of accidental deaths and now we have new data reporting that fatal falls more than doubled among US older adults, from…