Keep It Up: Regardless Of Age Or Weather, You Need To Keep Exercising
July 21, 2021
No one would blame you if you decided to stop exercising this summer. Between the heat and humidity, and the rain, drought, and fires, it’s not very appealing to be outside much of the time. And you’re likely bored with whatever indoor exercises kept you going during COVID. But exercise…
Inner Strength: Working With Weights To Improve Strength
April 21, 2021
While it may be challenging, we’ve never shied away from encouraging agebuzz readers to commit to strength training as a way to keep you physically, cognitively, and emotionally strong. Whether you’re working your core or preventing your muscles from shrinking, the benefits of strengthening muscles and staying strong are incalculable…
Hard Core: Why Strengthening Your Core Is Key To Better Movement and Comfort
March 3, 2021
You probably take it for granted, but given its importance, it may be time to pay attention. That’s because your “core,” that intertwining group of muscles wrapped around your abdomen, hips, sides, and buttocks forms the essential components of your body strength and stability. Without a strong core, you’re at…
Muscle Memory: Preventing The Loss Of Muscle Mass
February 24, 2021
Many of us right now are probably good living examples of what happens when you become physically inactive and begin to lose muscle mass (called sarcopenia when the loss becomes serious and accelerated). Because of the pandemic, activity levels have plummeted, time on the couch has expanded, and as a…
Moves To Choose: How To Decide Between Yoga And Tai Chi?
February 17, 2021
The advice has been strong and steady for some time now: Movement is essential for your health and well-being as you age. And while some of us will just hop on a mountain bike or run on a treadmill, for many, those are not realistic options. But as we’ve previously…
Checks And Balances: A Follow-Up “Check-In” With Balance and Falls Expert Molly Roffman
February 3, 2021
As you may remember, last June agebuzz readers were lucky to learn from the wisdom and advice of Molly Roffman, the balance and falls expert who runs the studio StepWISEnow. The interview with Molly was one of our most popular posts from 2020, and now she is back to share…