Might Makes It Right: Why Strength Training Might Be Your Best Exercise
March 12, 2025
Perhaps we’ve been relentless, but the information is of critical importance: Strength training is one of the best things you can do to keep yourself fit and functional as you get older. Whether you use free weights, kettlebells, resistance bands, or just your own body weight, strengthening your muscles not…
Exercise Advice: Stay Consistent and Persistent To Achieve Results
March 5, 2025
The evidence is everywhere: Staying physically active and exercising are essential for healthy aging. But many of us struggle with how to implement that advice and adhere to an exercise program. Yes, we can take a walk, and we can try to stay active doing chores during the day (both…
Essential But Underutilized: Why Your Doctor Should Prescribe Exercise
February 19, 2025
Typically when you see your doctor, you might leave with a prescription for medication to address a specific problem. Or, you might receive a prescription for physical therapy to get you a limited number of sessions to help with some physical discomfort. But what you’re not likely to receive- but…
Figuring Out Falls: More Insights Into Why We Fall And What Can Be Done
February 5, 2025
There’s just no getting around the fact that as an older adult, you are at risk of falling and potentially causing serious injury to yourself. The reasons for falling are numerous and complex (everything from balance problems to vision or hearing issues, to weak muscles or problematic medications), but the…
Cop A Squat: Why You Need To Make Squats A Part Of Your Exercise Routine
January 29, 2025
Raise your hand if you have trouble getting in and out of a chair. Or how about reaching down to the ground to pick up something you’ve dropped? Or do you ever have difficulty getting on or off the toilet? If any of these daily movements give you trouble, then…
Fix Your Fitness: Develop An Exercise Routine You Can Stick To This Year
January 15, 2025
So how’s it going for you halfway through January? Have you started going to a gym? Is your exercise routine in full force? Are you now stronger and steadier on your feet? Few of us (if any) could answer positively to these questions. In fact, experts suggest that plunging into…