Happy Place: Feeling Happy As An Older Adult
March 27, 2024
In case you missed the celebration of International Day of Happiness last week, there’s news to report about the prevalence of happiness among younger and older adults in the United States and around the world. A new poll conducted by Gallup was just released examining happiness around the world. Called…
Proximity and Purpose: How To Foster Intergenerational Friendships
November 29, 2023
Though it’s not uncommon for older adults to live their later years in age-segregated communities, either by choice or by necessity, there’s also something to be said about mixing it up with younger people. In fact, the concept of an intergenerational friendship- that is, having a friend who is at…
Slow It Down: Extend Your Health Span By Slowing Down Your Biological Aging
November 8, 2023
No doubt you know that people are living longer these days than in previous decades, something of a public health success for our country. In fact, the average life span of an American these days is 79 years and there’s a growing cohort of older adults who now live much…
Alone And Lonely: Responding To This Very Common Predicament
November 8, 2023
Is there a difference between being alone and being lonely? At this point, so many older adults are alone, vulnerable to the health consequences that are more likely as a solo ager and without the supports that typically allow an older adult to remain active and engaged. But does being…
Aging Solo: Planning For Aging On Your Own
October 26, 2023
A recent national survey of older adults living alone, conducted by AARP, found both good and not-so-good news when it comes to seniors aging “solo.” About 10% of the US population over age 50 are “solo agers” and for women over age 75, that number jumps to 42%. It’s a…
Don’t Worry, Be Happy: Staying Happy In Difficult Times
October 26, 2023
We’ve noted previously that despite the vicissitudes and life-altering events that can happen as one gets on in age, most older adults experience a period of happiness and contentment in their later years. In fact, a recent study published in the Psychological Bulletin found that subjective well-being varies across the…