Sitting (Not So) Pretty: Even Brief Walks Can Counter The Negative Effects Of Excessive Sitting
January 18, 2023
It’s no secret that a sedentary lifestyle and excessive sitting can be harmful to both your physical and cognitive health. In fact, whether you continue to sit in an office, spend hours in front of the tv, or just like to relax all day on your front porch, sitting for…
Long Story Short: Brief Bouts Of Exercise Can Get Big Results
November 2, 2022
Most of us have good intentions when it comes to exercise and physical activity. Even though only ¼ of US adults meet the recommended amount of weekly exercise, we know (or should know) how important it is to keep moving and be physically active as we get older. But inevitably,…
(Don’t) Sit Down: More Evidence That Passive Sedentary Behavior Is Harmful
September 7, 2022
Hopefully, everyone had a relaxing and restful summer. If you were lucky, you grabbed some time sitting on the beach, lounging by the lake, or just relaxing in the backyard, ideally catching a breeze in all the summer heat we had. However, if you’re now strategizing about how to spend…
Upright And Alright: The Many Health Benefits Of Better Posture
August 24, 2022
Do you feel yourself hunching over? Do you worry about slumping shoulders or a rounded back? Do you have visions of your later years spent facing the ground as your head points down? These are certainly stereotypical images of older adults with poor posture- but there’s no reason to assume…
Upright And All Right: Get Rid Of That Poor Pandemic Posture
February 2, 2022
Let’s face it: the pandemic has allowed many to slide into a lazy way of being. You may have begun to eat more, exercise less, and generally indulge in habits that are engaging or distracting, but perhaps not always healthy. Along with that slide may be another physical, practical concern:…
Senior Inspiration: What You Can Learn From Older Athletes Who Carry On
November 3, 2021
On the surface, they’re typical older men, who may be “weekend warriors” on the playing field or trails but certainly are not athletic professionals. But their athletic feats- at ages when many of us can barely walk a mile- are anything but ordinary. And hopefully, the examples they set can…