Going Gray: Continuing The Conversation About Gray Hair And Aging
February 19, 2025
Over the years, we’ve addressed the dilemma faced by many older women (and men): Whether to allow hair to turn naturally gray or whether to try to stem the tide by coloring your hair or in some other way minimizing the appearance of gray hair. During the COVID pandemic, it…
Gurus Give Advice: Makeup Experts Suggest What Works For Older Women
February 11, 2025
Sometimes expert advice can feel misplaced or not applicable to your situation. And certainly, many people claim to be authorities, but as Paul Newman once said, “Who’s to say who’s an expert.” But when it comes to cosmetics, there are some acknowledged experts, especially for older women and especially from…
Finding Your Style: How To Dress To Please Yourself
February 5, 2025
Despite dressing ourselves for decades, many of us still struggle to come up with some coherent sense of our “style.” That is, what, if anything, are we trying to convey with our clothing choices? Do we want the world to think of us as relaxed and unfussy? As organized and…
Change Of Face: How To Consider Cosmetic Procedures, Small And Large
October 2, 2024
It’s a dilemma that many older women (and some men) confront: Whether to allow your face to age naturally without “intervention” or whether to embrace procedures, either (or both) small or large, to limit the effects of gravity, the loss of collagen, skin eruptions and other facial factors that affect…
Don’t Let It Slide: Responding To Everyday Ageism
August 28, 2024
Despite (or maybe because of) the ongoing aging of the world’s population, ageism continues to be a problem worldwide. A recent United Nations publication declared, “It is estimated that every second person in the world holds ‘moderately or highly ageist attitudes’.” Moreover, because of ageism, it’s estimated that economies worldwide…
Beauty Queens: Older Women Feel Confident About Beauty, Inside And Out
August 21, 2024
In a survey described in Psychology Today, women across generations agreed that age should not equate with beauty. The survey reports that 61% of respondents believed “beauty” can be present at any age, and 75% of respondents were frustrated with the images of women presented in the media and marketing…