Full Throttle Ahead: Travel With A Purpose
August 16, 2018
Whether for pleasure or purpose, many of us look forward to traveling in our later years. For some, it’s visiting places on the bucket list or reconnecting with family, and for others, it’s finding meaning or giving back through exploration of other cultures. Either way, travel usually requires some planning,…
Young And Old: Imparting Senior Wisdom On The Young
August 9, 2018
The image seems to be indelible in our culture: Feeble older people reliant on younger children to teach them the ways of today’s world, especially when it comes to electronics or social media. Let’s put that one to rest: Many if not most seniors these days have figured what they…
Serving A Purpose: Knitting Socks For Feet In Need
January 18, 2018
When grief hits, your world can be turned upside down. One way to respond is to find a cause or purpose to provide meaning for your life and to more basically fill your time. And in fact, there’s plenty of data available to support the notion that having a purpose…
Highways And Byways: Travel Ideas For Seniors and Solos
November 9, 2017
Are you beginning to plan your winter travel vacation? For some of us, cold weather becomes the impetus to seek out warmer climates or new locales- plans that can create some challenges as we get older. Especially for those of us without spouses or travel partners, solo travel can be…
Senior Service: Opportunities For Intergenerational Connection
March 30, 2017
There aren’t many places in today’s environment where young and old come together, especially for a common purpose. Yet with the burgeoning growth of our senior population, and the challenges facing millennials, especially in the job market, it feels like a natural opportunity to bring these communities together for a…
Consulteering: Rethinking The Road To Retirement:
May 26, 2016
Seems like it may be time to say goodbye to the stereotypical images of retirement: the gold watch and the Florida winter getaways are quickly being replaced with consulting gigs, volunteer commitments and adventure travel. As one “retiree” has said, it’s now the age of “Consulteering.” Emotionally, it’s no easy…