Dollar For Dollar: Determining Your Financial Strategy As A New Widow
May 1, 2019
Ladies, you probably need no reminders that due to longer life spans, women are more likely than men to lose a spouse. Experiencing loss is heartbreaking and traumatic. On top of grieving, it can be overwhelming to deal with such new “life logistics” as investments and other money matters. Because…
Move It: The Challenge Of Transportation In Your Senior Years
February 6, 2019
So you’ve begun planning for retirement and maybe even set an estimated budget. You’ll need to factor in housing and medical care costs and, fingers crossed, money for travel plans. But before you congratulate yourself, ask one more question: Have you considered your transportation costs- either driving your own car…
Going It Alone: The Challenges Of Being A Solo Ager
January 23, 2019
Whether by fate or by choice, many of us will grow older alone. Some of us never married or had a partner, some have no children, some live too far away from family to count on any help, and some are estranged from next of kin- essentially all alone. Estimates…
Love And Loss: Facing Finances When A Spouse Dies
January 9, 2019
You may not realize it but 1.4 million women become widows each year. For most, it’s likely the most tumultuous and devastating occurrence in their lives. And for many older women, it’s also the first time in their lives that they truly need to grapple with the family finances. In…
All Together: Where Do You Keep Your Important Papers?
June 21, 2018
If an emergency happens, and time is of the essence, would your spouse or your loved ones know where to find your important paperwork? Do you even have one central place where all of your critical information is together? If your essential info is all on paper, do you have…
Uncertain Aging: How LGBT Seniors Navigate The Aging Landscape
June 21, 2018
LGBT seniors have perhaps witnessed more change in their personal lives, and society at large, than many of us realize. As young people, the ability to be open and honest was available to few and now, in their later years, they stand witness to the changes society has embraced in…