Working Over Time: Older Adults Seek Later-In-Life Job and Income Opportunities
July 1, 2021
We’ve known for a while now that there are 2 contradictory trends happening at once: Because of the pandemic, there has been a surge of early retirements– some voluntary and some not- while at the same time, more older adults than ever plan to work well past the usual retirement…
Health And Wealth: How Is Your Estate Planning Going?
November 18, 2020
Maybe you’re prepared but the pandemic has reminded you to make sure that your plans are up-to-date. Or maybe you’ve never taken the time to write a will but the recent loss of loved ones has shocked you into realizing that none of us leaves this earth alive. Whatever the…
With Open Eyes: Medicare Open Enrollment in 2020
October 14, 2020
It comes like clockwork every Fall. As anyone over age 65 knows, we are now at the beginning of Open Enrollment season for Medicare. As we’ve noted in prior agebuzz posts, this is the time of year (from Oct. 15th – December 7th) that Medicare enrollees have the opportunity to…
Care For The Long Term: Are You Rethinking The Need For Long Term Care Insurance?
September 23, 2020
The deadly impact of the coronavirus, especially among long term care residents, has certainly highlighted a fact of life that many of us would like to deny or avoid: that is, the difficult decision to have a loved one or even yourself live in such a facility. Infection control measures…
Down And Out: Retirement In Today’s Environment
May 20, 2020
For many of us, this wasn’t the plan. We didn’t anticipate (or budget for) leaving the workforce so early. We didn’t think in our late 50s, or mid-60s or even early 70s, we would lose our jobs or no longer be employable. However, the coronavirus has had other plans for…
Seniors And The Stimulus: Key Aspects Of The New CARES Act Stimulus Bill
April 1, 2020
Even if you’ve been avoiding the news, you’re probably aware that we now have in place the new CARES Act: The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act. And while some of the details remain to be worked out (stay on top of the latest with this updated IRS resource…