House Of Cards: The Risks of Reverse Mortgages For Seniors
August 31, 2017
For a great many of us, our homes are our most important and valuable asset. And as the years accumulate and our incomes drop, trying to take money out of the equity in our homes becomes an appealing and even necessary step for financial solvency. But it’s not without risk. For…
In The Long Term: Good and Not So Good News For Centenarians
July 27, 2017
The percentage of people living to 100 or older is increasing each year and there’s much to celebrate about that. Especially as there is now research that shows that for those who live beyond their 90s, their last years of life tend to be healthier than was previously recognized. New research…
Add It Up: Recommendations For Reliable Retirement Calculators
July 20, 2017
For most of us approaching retirement, there’s always the concern about whether we’ll have sufficient resources to support and even enjoy ourselves. While we can never predict precisely how much money we’ll need for retirement, there are some basic guidelines out there to help you prepare. Specifically, there are a…
Through Thick And Thin: Social Security For Former Spouses
June 22, 2017
Following divorce, women are often in more a more vulnerable financial place than they had formally been. Many are not properly informed about benefits available to them from their former spouse despite the divorce, and this is especially troublesome if retirement is looming. For example, consider Social Security. Did you…
Quick and Dirty: Vice News Talks Aging And The End Of Life
April 25, 2017
You may never have heard of Vice News, but it’s likely your kids and grandkids have. It’s a news source that, through edgy video and visual material, covers the news and often focuses on what it considers underreported topics. Very recently Vice News produced a 10 minute video piece on The Business…
Game Plan: Expert Advice For Your Retirement
April 6, 2017
Did you know that this week has been designated as National Retirement Planning Week? Whether you’re close to taking that step, or it’s a far off fantasy, it’s never too early to get some expert planning advice. To mark the occasion, Boston public radio station WBUR has an interview with Jill…