Start-Up: You’re Never Too Old To Try Out A New Idea
January 2, 2019
New year, new business? Whether you’re retired or thinking of leaving your current job, or in need of a new line of work, one thing in today’s economy is clear: You’re never too old to start a new business or try your hand at something new. As a seasoned person…
Working Late: Challenges Faced By Older Workers
September 19, 2018
For many of us entering our 60s and beyond, the concept of retirement holds no appeal. For us, work may be fulfilling, fun or even financially necessary and we can’t fathom what we’d do if we were sitting at home. Or, if we’ve recently left a long-time position we may…
Work It Out: Turns Out Older Workers May Suddenly Be More Attractive
May 23, 2018
There’s no doubt that, as both individuals and a society more broadly, we’re all struggling with the balance between aging, work and retirement. For some, money complicates the picture. For others, loss of the social connections from work leaves them re-thinking retirement. In fact, there is now a trend called “unretirement,”…
Dollars and Sense: Making The Most Of Your Money During Retirement
May 17, 2018
In a recent Gallup survey of Americans about retirement concerns, one thing stands out pretty clearly: for those who have yet to retire, concern about outliving your money looms large. Those already retired are more optimistic about having sufficient funds to keep them going but for those thinking about retiring, there…
On The Go: Travel Plans For You And Your Loved Ones
May 17, 2018
Here’s a pretty startling statistic: By 2020, one in every 3 adults will be a grandparent. And those of us with grandchildren know that equates to a lot of travel- either to visit distant grandchildren or to find ways that multiple generations can spend time together. Grandparents today tend to…
Work Around: Figuring Out The Next Steps For Women Who Retire
February 27, 2018
Leaving the workforce to retire can bring you to a real crossroads: It may be a moment to seize the day and change your life course in a new direction, or it may be a time of dread, wondering what your identity is now that your professional profile is gone….