In The Works: News And Advice For Older Entrepreneurs
January 8, 2020
So maybe you’re approaching retirement age or have already stepped back from full-time employment but are feeling bored by the extra time you have on hand. Are you planning to look for a new job? Or instead, do you see yourself on track to starting your own thing- being your…
Getting A Gig: Older Workers In A Changing Economy
November 13, 2019
It’s hard enough being an older worker in today’s world. Holding on to a job becomes challenging when ageism in the work world appears to be commonplace and younger workers may be resentful that their older colleagues continue to hold on to their positions. But given that older adults often…
Against The Clock: Owning Your Age As An Older Worker
October 30, 2019
The data are pretty startling unless you’re an older worker, in which case they may be all too familiar. In a recent study by Hiscox Business Insurance of workers over age 40, nearly 45% of respondents said they, or someone they know, have experienced age discrimination in the workplace. 36%…
Second Acts: Advice And Examples For Crafting An Encore Career
September 11, 2019
Perhaps you’re still in the job you’ve held for decades and fantasizing about what else you could be doing at this point in your life. Or, maybe you’ve already “retired” but are ready for a new career. Wherever you are or whatever you’re thinking, you’re not alone if you’re contemplating…
In Working Order: Navigating The Workplace As An Older Worker
June 26, 2019
You may not realize it, but if you’re of “traditional retirement age,” yet find yourself getting up each morning to head to the office, you’re part of a growing trend: older people who remain in the workplace well beyond the age that is typical for retirement. And whether it’s money,…
A Piece Of The Action: Part-Time Work For Your Later Years
March 6, 2019
It may seem counter-intuitive, but for many, the search for work, especially part-time, often begins at the moment of retirement from full-time employment. In fact, those over 65 are much more likely to work part-time than younger colleagues, either because of a desire for a more relaxed pace or because…