Essential But Underutilized: Why Your Doctor Should Prescribe Exercise
February 19, 2025
Typically when you see your doctor, you might leave with a prescription for medication to address a specific problem. Or, you might receive a prescription for physical therapy to get you a limited number of sessions to help with some physical discomfort. But what you’re not likely to receive- but…
Figuring Out Falls: More Insights Into Why We Fall And What Can Be Done
February 5, 2025
There’s just no getting around the fact that as an older adult, you are at risk of falling and potentially causing serious injury to yourself. The reasons for falling are numerous and complex (everything from balance problems to vision or hearing issues, to weak muscles or problematic medications), but the…
Fix Your Fitness: Develop An Exercise Routine You Can Stick To This Year
January 15, 2025
So how’s it going for you halfway through January? Have you started going to a gym? Is your exercise routine in full force? Are you now stronger and steadier on your feet? Few of us (if any) could answer positively to these questions. In fact, experts suggest that plunging into…
Frail and Fragile: What Frailty Signals About The Way You’re Aging
November 20, 2024
You’ve likely known someone in your life, perhaps a loved one or friend, who seems “diminished” by age: perhaps they are slowing down, appear more fatigued, spend more and more time sitting, or are walking more slowly than they previously did. They may even need a helping hand to get…
Just A Little Bit: Even Limited Exercise Can Yield Big Health And Brain Boosts
November 13, 2024
As the days get shorter and the weather gets cooler, you may be tempted to cut back on your exercise and physical activity. In fact, you may blanch at the thought of doing some basic exercises such as squats, push-ups, or bridges (though take a look here to find out…
Active Aging: Exercising To Keep You Functional And Flexible
October 23, 2024
Have you reached the age where you believe exercise is no longer necessary- or even recommended? If you think you have, think again: Because there is no age at which physical activity and movement become unnecessary or irrelevant. Under the notion of “move it or lose it,” examples abound of…