Ongoing Grief: Is Your Grief Normal Or Something Else?
June 22, 2022
If you’re getting older then you’re likely getting experience in what it’s like to grieve. None of us escape the inevitable losses that accompany aging. Whether it’s the literal death of loved ones or friends, the emotional loss of chapters that have closed or friendships that have faded, or even…
Senior Inspiration: What You Can Learn From Older Athletes Who Carry On
November 3, 2021
On the surface, they’re typical older men, who may be “weekend warriors” on the playing field or trails but certainly are not athletic professionals. But their athletic feats- at ages when many of us can barely walk a mile- are anything but ordinary. And hopefully, the examples they set can…
MIND Over Matter: A Diet To Help You Stay Cognitively Resilient
October 13, 2021
No doubt you know the benefits of eating a healthy diet by now. We’ve sung the praises of the Mediterranean diet on numerous occasions, as a way to help maintain your heart health, tamp down inflammation and even allow you to live a longer, healthier life. But what about your…
Hot Stuff: Older Adults And Climate Change
September 8, 2021
No matter where you live, you’ve likely now felt the effects. As The Washington Post recently reported, nearly 1 in 3 Americans experienced a weather disaster this summer and 64% of us live in a place that experienced a multi-day heatwave sometime in the last few months. It’s no longer…
Grief Stricken: How The Pandemic Has Affected Our Grief Rituals
February 17, 2021
Early in the pandemic, we reported on the way funeral plans and mourning rituals were changing as a result of the devastation of the coronavirus. Little did we realize that months later, so many of us would be grappling with the new realities of loss and death as we struggle…
Stress and Strain: Coping During COVID
September 23, 2020
It’s not just you. The stress of the ongoing pandemic is everywhere: With no discernible end in sight, and with ongoing uncertainty about our futures and our ability to regain full control over our lives, almost everyone feels the effects at this point. In some ways, what we’re all living…