Distance Learning: Grandparents Reading Remotely With Grandchildren
September 9, 2020
Anyone with young children or grandchildren in their lives knows that this year back to school is fraught with anxieties and uncertainties. For grandparents, in particular, this is a time of real confusion. If you are raising your grandchildren or providing childcare, then you face the risk of coronavirus infection…
Shelf Life: What Are You Reading These Days?
August 12, 2020
We’re in the homestretch- those lazy days of summer that usually mean relaxation and rest before the Fall rush begins- Oh wait, that’s a sweet vision from a previous life. Many of us instead are in a constant state of anxiety, worried about our futures and bickering in the present….
On The Books: New Recommendations For 2020 Summer Reads
June 3, 2020
It’s that time of year when many publications come out with their “best reads of the summer” list. And while this summer will be far from normal, there’s still pleasure to be gained, even if in isolation, from diving headlong into a book and losing yourself in someone else’s story….
Going The Distance: New Options For Distracting And Entertaining Yourself
May 13, 2020
Like most of us, you’re probably spending a lot more time in front of a screen these days to help pass the time during this pandemic. And even though it’s recommended that we don’t sit or watch too much, all signs suggest that Americans continue to be watching- especially (but…
Additional Distractions: More Options To Keep You Occupied
April 29, 2020
So we’re up to week four of providing you with additional distractions to keep your mind away from difficulties and to spark some joy in your life. And luckily for us, the creative content and ingenious ideas keep coming. So, to continue our quest to distract you, consider the following:…
For Your Reading Pleasure: New Selections And Old Favorites
March 4, 2020
Given the times we live in, there’s no doubt about this sentiment from Nella Last: “It’s a great blessing if one can lose all sense of time, all worries, if only for a short time, in a book.” And many of us are always on the lookout for the latest…