Sounds Good: The Latest Advice On Hearing Loss, Hearing Aids, And Tinnitus
February 15, 2023
No doubt there’s been a lot more attention paid in the media to hearing loss and the availability of hearing aids, now that over-the-counter hearing aids are available to any adult who perceives he or she has mild-to-moderate hearing loss. As we’ve previously written, the causes of adult hearing loss…
Show Time: In Person Or Online, You Benefit From Exposure To The Arts
October 5, 2022
With the Fall season now in full swing, and many of us back out and about exploring our cultural passions, it’s exciting to consider the theater and dance performances, music events, and art exhibitions that await us. In fact, there’s new research that underscores the value of access to such…
Hear The Call: Over The Counter (Less Expensive) Hearing Aids Are Finally Coming!
August 24, 2022
It’s been a long time in the works, but the reality of over-the-counter, non-prescription hearing aids is finally about to materialize. Having granted final approval to these new devices, the FDA has now opened the door to an entirely new market of hearing aids that will be accessible, available, and…
How Old Are You Really? Investigating Your Biological-Rather Than Chronological-Age:
May 11, 2022
You certainly know your birthday (though some of us would rather forget it). But do you know your “true age”? That is, if someone were to peer inside of you and look at the health and vitality of your inner workings- your genetics, brain, cardiovascular system, etc.- would the analysis…
Can You Plan In Advance? Decision-Making For The Seriously Ill
January 12, 2022
Over the last many decades, the human lifespan has increased. Furthermore, technology has allowed seriously ill individuals to continue living in circumstances previously unimaginable (for example, on ventilators or using computers to create artificial communication for those who can no longer speak). In some ways, these advances have been remarkable….
Dream House: Have You Figured Out The Ideal Spot For Your Later Years?
November 3, 2021
For most of us approaching, or in, our later years, the discussion of where to live can be fraught with emotion and indecision. Whether we can stay in the place we’ve been or be better off relocating, there are so many considerations that it can be mind-boggling. What feels right…