Home For The Holidays: Strategies For Thanksgiving During Covid
October 21, 2020
So, have you had “the talk” yet? Have you and your usual holiday mates determined how Thanksgiving is going to play out this year? There’s little doubt what the expert advice is (though you may not want to hear it). According to the CDC, while you have to assess the…
Best Guesses: How Will Our Pandemic Lives Play Out Over The Coming Months
September 30, 2020
For many, the arrival of Fall typically kicks off an array of activities timed to celebrate upcoming holidays. From Halloween to Hanukkah, and Thanksgiving to Christmas, this is usually the time we begin to strategize who’s hosting which events and where we will be heading. But not this year. As…
Expert Advice: Recent Insights And Recommendations From COVID-19 Experts
September 16, 2020
We’re more than 6 months into the Coronavirus pandemic and our understanding of the virus, it’s impact, and strategies to keep ourselves safe continue to evolve. And now, added to this mix are a range of articles and alarms about vaccine development and second waves. It’s no wonder, then, that…
Beware Before Your Share: Misinformation And Scams In The COVID Era
August 26, 2020
Our dependence on news and information these days feels unprecedented. To keep ourselves safe, aware, and up-to-date on the latest news regarding the pandemic almost requires a herculean effort, as updates and revisions seem to come at lightning speed. Virtually from the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, agebuzz has tried…
Warning Shot: This Year Make Sure To Get Your Flu Shot
July 29, 2020
Despite the fact that we’re still in summer, it appears that it’s not too early to be thinking about your annual flu shot. Especially this year. Estimates are that in previous seasons only about 45% of adults received the flu vaccine. But for older adults, already at higher risk for…
Mixed Signals: How Are Seniors Faring In Isolation?
July 22, 2020
Most of us are social creatures, so there’s been concern that social distancing restrictions may be having a serious impact on our society. Especially for older adults, we know that social isolation and loneliness are linked to serious physical and mental health concerns. Yet a new study published online in…