Aging Pains: The Prevalence of Chronic Pain In Older Adults
November 11, 2020
To many of us, it feels like a right of passage: the older we get, the more ongoing are the aches and pains that remind us of our age and how our body is (or is not) coping. If you feel this way, new data from the CDC confirms you’re…
Lower Your Numbers: New Fears About Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure
September 16, 2020
By now you probably know the dangers: High blood pressure (also known as hypertension) puts you at significant risk for heart attacks and strokes and is tied to increased risk for cognitive impairment and dementia, not to mention increased severity of symptoms from coronavirus infection. Given these risks, you would…
Perilous Pills: Too Many Medications Are Harming Us
September 9, 2020
If you’re an agebuzz reader, the warning should come as no surprise: the risks of taking too many medications and suffering bad drug interactions or side-effects increase with age. It can also leave you vulnerable for all sorts of perils, from increased confusion to greater risk of falling. In fact,…
Swallow This: What To Consider When Taking Meds As An Older Adult
January 8, 2020
If you’ve reached a certain age, chances are there are a lot of pill bottles lurking in your medicine cabinet. Some may be old and expired and you just don’t know how to get rid of them. Others may be over-the-counter meds for pain or allergy relief. And others may…
Pill Popping: Technology Assists To Track Your Medications
November 20, 2019
For anyone who’s tried, you know that managing multiple medications on a daily basis is no picnic. Just trying to remember to take your medications, let alone managing the dosages, can be a challenge, especially for those suffering from multiple chronic illnesses or with diminished cognitive capacity. And for your…
Push Back: Antibiotic Use In Older Adults
November 6, 2019
Maybe you were feeling poorly and finally dragged yourself to the doctor. And while she said you were probably suffering from a viral infection, just to be safe you were prescribed an antibiotic. And maybe within a few days, you began to feel better and decided to stop taking the…