Prediction And Prevention: What Can Be Done To Lower The Risk Of Falling?
March 19, 2025
As an older adult, you’re likely aware that your risk of falling- and risk of serious injury- continues to rise as you get older. In fact, while the statistic often quoted is that one in four adults 65 and older sustains a fall each year, some experts report that in…
One Step Ahead: The Benefits From Walking More Steps
March 19, 2025
Have the longer days and warmer weather inspired you to tie up your laces and get outside walking again? As we’ve continuously said, any physical movement is better than being sedentary, and the more you move, the better you’ll feel, especially if you’re outside surrounded by nature. So whether your…
Come Clean: Strategies For Undertaking Your Spring Cleaning
March 12, 2025
If you’re a regular reader of agebuzz, you’re aware of the various strategies and suggestions we’ve highlighted for cleaning the clutter from your home. And now that we’re into March, it’s likely your thoughts are turning to Spring cleaning. However, the consensus seems to be that when it comes to…
Exercise Advice: Stay Consistent and Persistent To Achieve Results
March 5, 2025
The evidence is everywhere: Staying physically active and exercising are essential for healthy aging. But many of us struggle with how to implement that advice and adhere to an exercise program. Yes, we can take a walk, and we can try to stay active doing chores during the day (both…
Have A Good Trip: Advice For Your 2025 Journeys
February 26, 2025
So, have you been smitten with wanderlust yet this year? Or have you planned to get out of town to find some relaxation and rebuild your resilience given the stressors that are so commonplace these days? If you’re ready to go, there are lots of recommendations from those in the…
Essential But Underutilized: Why Your Doctor Should Prescribe Exercise
February 19, 2025
Typically when you see your doctor, you might leave with a prescription for medication to address a specific problem. Or, you might receive a prescription for physical therapy to get you a limited number of sessions to help with some physical discomfort. But what you’re not likely to receive- but…