A Hot Mess: Serious Health Concerns As The Weather Heats Up
June 24, 2020
With the arrival of summer, it’s important once again to make sure everyone understands the health hazards of hot weather, especially for older adults. Previous agebuzz posts on this important topic have spelled out the array of health concerns that surface when older adults are exposed to hot weather and…
Vitamin D During The Pandemic: Does The Data Show It Helps?
June 17, 2020
Right now, many of us are looking for whatever advice or edge we can find to keep ourselves healthy and avoid infection from the coronavirus (or at least limit its severity should we become infected). Recent reports have raised the question as to whether Vitamin D could be one more…
Outside Action: Yes, You Should Be Going Outside (But Not In Groups)
April 15, 2020
By now the health benefits of being outside and in nature are fairly settled. Even in this time of social distancing and safety precautions, as one expert succinctly stated: “Nature is not an amenity- it’s a necessity.” There are cognitive and psychological benefits from being outside and having your senses…
Move On: Stay Active, Even In Winter Weather
December 11, 2019
You may be tempted this time of year to lighten up on your physical activities and settle-in on the couch for some television binge-watching. But unfortunately, the process of aging takes no rest for winter and the more you sit, the more likely you damage yourself and your health. As…
A Touch Of The Sun: Each And Every Day You Should Be Protecting Your Skin
May 8, 2019
It’s one of the most magical yet maddening of feelings: Closing your eyes and feeling the strong sun shine down on your face- all the while knowing that the UV rays are doing serious damage to your skin. If you’re at all concerned about lines or wrinkles, let alone skin…
Cycle Stories: These Older Cyclists Are Pushing Pedals And Boundaries
January 30, 2019
Your bike may be in storage right now but here’s some motivation to pump up those tires and get moving. Biking is one of the best ways to stay healthy and active as you age. If you need some inspiration, watch 82-year-old Alf Peters and 70-year-old Kittie Weston-Knauer take command…