Out of Sorts: Paying Attention To Mental Health As You Age
November 17, 2021
While it may be a taboo subject, it’s a central aspect of your health as you age: your psychological and emotional well-being are as vital to healthy aging as your physical maintenance. And of course, they’re often connected. As we’ve cited in previous posts and helpful resources, the things that…
A Quick Study: You Can Train Yourself To Be Happy
July 21, 2021
As we previously posted, there’s been a fair amount of evidence that despite the burdens imposed by the pandemic, a significant number of older adults weathered the lockdowns and isolation better than expected- and demonstrated a level of resilience and optimism that can often accompany the aging process. Yet for…
Bias Busting: New Efforts And Urgency To Combat Ageism
April 14, 2021
Have you encountered it? Perhaps it was a patronizing tone from someone you asked for help. Or perhaps it was the loss of a promotion at your office or the silence when you recently applied for a new job? Or, if you live in a less-developed country, perhaps you lost…
Don’t Buy Into It: The Harm Of Ageist Stereotypes
February 24, 2021
Throughout the pandemic (and even before that) we’ve been tracking the ageist attitudes and impact that ageism can have on older adults. Whether it’s been questioning the provision of limited COVID treatments for older adults or the layoffs of older workers during the economic downturn (not to mention the often…
Staying Positive: The Power Of Positivity To Preserve Your Memory
November 4, 2020
While these are certainly challenging times, studies continue to show that keeping a positive attitude may be your secret weapon for healthier aging, for both your body and your mind. Previously in agebuzz, we’ve promoted the power of positive attitudes, citing research on the value of positivity in warding off…
Stress and Strain: Coping During COVID
September 23, 2020
It’s not just you. The stress of the ongoing pandemic is everywhere: With no discernible end in sight, and with ongoing uncertainty about our futures and our ability to regain full control over our lives, almost everyone feels the effects at this point. In some ways, what we’re all living…