Your Move: Why Physical Exercise May Reverse The Aging Process
April 17, 2024
In many previous posts, we’ve extolled the virtues of exercise and physical movement as essential for healthy aging. From ongoing research, we know that physical activity is necessary for keeping your body physically functioning and your brain cognitively strong and intact well into your later years. What we’ve learned from…
Common But Preventable: Injuries And Deaths Due To Falling
April 3, 2024
We’ve quoted the statistics before: One out of every four older adults has a fall every year, and one out of every five falls results in a serious injury, including hip fractures (95% of hip fractures are due to a fall) and head injuries leading to death. We previously highlighted…
Brew Ha Ha: The Ongoing Debate About Your Coffee Consumption
April 3, 2024
The debate continues. We’ve previously posted about the many health benefits that appear to be derived from consuming coffee: everything from the boost of mental alertness from the caffeine to the anti-inflammatory protections from the antioxidants in coffee. You can add to that the results of a brand new study…
Power Play: Add Power Training To Your Strength Training Exercise Routine
March 20, 2024
Exercise is essential for healthy aging, and as we’ve repeatedly advised, that includes both aerobic exercise as well as strength training. Regular aerobic physical movement is critical to keeping your heart and brain functioning. Using your muscles and building up your strength is also essential if you want to continue…
Joint Review: Some Basics On Keeping Your Joints Pain-Free As You Age
February 14, 2024
If you’re reading agebuzz, it’s likely that you or someone you love has experienced joint pain. Although everyone has approximately 350 joints (a joint exists wherever 2 bones in your body meet), wear and tear from aging, overuse, or trauma means that older adults usually suffer more joint pain than…
Pick Up Some Protein: The Benefits Of Plant Protein For Healthier Aging
January 24, 2024
What comes to mind when you think about eating protein? A thick, juicy hamburger? A high-protein snack bar? Maybe a glass of milk? You wouldn’t be wrong. All of these may be sources of protein. But as you get older, are these the right sources of protein for an aging…