Longevity Literacy: Understanding Your “Longevity” Odds As You Plan For Your Later Years
February 22, 2023
You may not be one of the billionaire tech guys who’s heavily investing in the possibility of living forever or be trying to “hack” your body to the point of aging in reverse, but there’s a good chance that you may live a lot longer than you realize. Certainly, demographic…
Experiential Wisdom: End-Of-Life Doulas Share Their Experience With Dying- And Living
February 1, 2023
You may remember during the earlier days of the Covid pandemic, when death was an ever-present concern in the minds of many, we touched on the role of end-of-life doulas, trained professionals who provide comfort, companionship, and counseling for individuals and loved ones as death approaches. While not providing actual…
D(eep) In Your Brain: New Study Suggests Vitamin D May Protect Against Cognitive Decline
December 14, 2022
The debate goes on. As we’ve previously posted, while there is no doubt that vitamin D plays an important role in calcium absorption and thus bone strength, along with boosting immune health, there is an ongoing debate about other health benefits. But new research continues to come out touting the…
At Your Own Risk: The Risks Of Surgery As An Older Patient
December 8, 2022
While it’s old news that surgery can be a risky proposition for anyone in their later years, a new study out of Yale University published in JAMA Network Surgery makes the incidence of serious risk very clear. According to this research, which examined the post-surgery course of about 1000 older…
Dead End: Thoughts On Planning A Funeral
December 8, 2022
While few of us likely look forward to funerals, no one escapes the eventuality of confronting death, either of a loved one or oneself. And death is a big business in the United States. With a market size of $18 billion annually, there’s a lot of money to be spent…
Pass (Up) The Salt: More Evidence That It’s Time To Consider A Salt Alternative
August 24, 2022
If you find yourself excessively shaking the salt shaker these days, chances are it’s not a newfound love of salty food. Rather, biology (and aging) may be coming into play. That is, as we age, our ability to taste and smell food weakens so that our ability to taste the…