Stride And Stroll: How To Continue Walking This Winter
January 1, 2025
We’re at that time of year when the days are short (and likely cold), precipitation may be in the air, and your food consumption may have gone up with all of the holiday goodies and gatherings. Your head may know that it’s critical to keep physically active but your heart…
All Walks Of Life: The Connection Between Walking And Life Expectancy
November 20, 2024
If you’re heading out for your daily walk, or contemplating going for a walk later today, you’re already in good standing. As you likely know, and as we have covered in previous agebuzz posts, walking is an easy, accessible, and inexpensive way for you to stay active and healthy, especially…
Frail and Fragile: What Frailty Signals About The Way You’re Aging
November 20, 2024
You’ve likely known someone in your life, perhaps a loved one or friend, who seems “diminished” by age: perhaps they are slowing down, appear more fatigued, spend more and more time sitting, or are walking more slowly than they previously did. They may even need a helping hand to get…
Just A Little Bit: Even Limited Exercise Can Yield Big Health And Brain Boosts
November 13, 2024
As the days get shorter and the weather gets cooler, you may be tempted to cut back on your exercise and physical activity. In fact, you may blanch at the thought of doing some basic exercises such as squats, push-ups, or bridges (though take a look here to find out…
(Don’t) Sit Still: Whether Sitting Or Standing, You Need To Be Moving
November 6, 2024
You probably don’t need this reminder but it’s important to reiterate: Sitting for long stretches at a time can lead to real physical and mental health problems, as we’ve highlighted over the years. Sitting for hours at a time can negatively affect your heart, joints, muscles, blood vessels, and mental…
Off Balance: Ways To Test And Improve Your Balance
October 30, 2024
Hand in hand with your fear of falling is likely a twin concern about maintaining or improving your balance. Having good balance is essential to living an active and independent life in your later years. If you can’t count on staying upright and off the ground, you’re likely going to…