It Doesn’t Take Much: Lifestyle Tweaks To Sustain Your Brain
August 10, 2022
With continued disappointing news about forthcoming drugs to address Alzheimer’s, you might begin to despair that there’s little you can do to prevent an Alzheimer’s or dementia diagnosis and that you may as well throw up your arms in distress. However, as we’ve pointed out in previous posts, there are…
Mind Your Memory: Ways To Strengthen Memory And Minimize Cognitive Decline
July 27, 2022
If you’re a person growing older, you’ve no doubt had occasions to wonder whether you are beginning to lose some of your memory. While dementia is not a normal part of aging, occasional bouts of forgetfulness are. So, whether you occasionally forget where you put your keys- or, on a…
Do You Recall? Mild Cognitive Impairment And Other Memory Concerns
March 24, 2022
As you may recall (or perhaps you don’t!) about a year ago we published a post on memory loss, addressing the condition known as Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), which can cause memory lapses that constitute more than what you should expect from “normal aging” but less than the impairment that…
Brain Clutter: Supporting Your Memory And Keeping Track Of Things
February 23, 2022
So at this point in the pandemic, many of us might feel like we have mush for brains- whether or not we’ve even had Covid. If pressed, we might have a hard time recalling events that occurred over the past couple of years or be unable to account for our…
Your Recent Memory: How To Address Memory Loss Concerns
December 9, 2021
As the saying goes, one of the keys to happiness may be having a bad memory. Yet as we grow older, bad memory itself may be a cause for unhappiness or even alarm. While we have previously posted on agebuzz about “normal” forgetting versus something more concerning, many of us…