Lower Your Numbers: New Fears About Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure
September 16, 2020
By now you probably know the dangers: High blood pressure (also known as hypertension) puts you at significant risk for heart attacks and strokes and is tied to increased risk for cognitive impairment and dementia, not to mention increased severity of symptoms from coronavirus infection. Given these risks, you would…
Hold The Phone: What’s Your Take On Telemedicine?
August 19, 2020
According to a brand new survey from the National Poll on Healthy Aging, up until May of 2019, only 4% of adults age 50-80 had ever experienced a telemedicine visit with a health care provider. However, from the 3 months of March- June 2020, 26% of respondents had had such…
Under Pressure: Continuing Evidence That You Should Watch Your Blood Pressure
May 27, 2020
As we’ve previously noted in agebuzz, heart disease remains one of the most serious causes of illness and death among older adults, and high blood pressure is one of the main causes of stroke and heart attacks in older people. So monitoring your blood pressure and taking prescribed blood pressure…
Get Smart: The Latest Tech For Older Adults And Caregivers
January 15, 2020
So maybe you’re the adult child of an older adult who lives alone, maybe even thousands of miles away. Or maybe your loved one lives close by, yet you can only get there after work or on weekends. “Aging in place,” rather than in a facility, is preferred by the…
What’s Your Score? A New Risk Assessment Tool For People With Multiple Chronic Conditions
June 26, 2019
Dealing with a serious medical condition can be tough. And according to existing data, 45% of all adults are dealing with several chronic conditions, including glaucoma, diabetes or heart disease. With older adults, the numbers are even worse: 80% of adults over 65 suffer from multiple chronic conditions. Along…
Taking Care: Artificial Intelligence And Robots In The Caregiving Arena
June 5, 2019
As in almost all aspects of our lives, artificial intelligence (AI) is seeping into the health care arena, including long term care for older people, either at home or in facilities. In hospitals, you’re beginning to see robots deliver pills or lunch trays and transport specimens to labs. And of…