Pressure Points: Why You Should Be Monitoring Your Blood Pressure
October 5, 2022
Instinctively, you likely know that it’s important to keep your blood pressure in check. We’ve certainly addressed the topic previously and it’s one of those essential health markers that almost all of us have experienced during a medical exam (ever feel like the cuff on the blood pressure monitor is…
Brace Yourself: More Fall-Prevention Resources To Keep You Up And About
September 21, 2022
In the midst of everything else going on in the world, you may not realize that this week (Sept.18- Sept. 24) is Falls Prevention Awareness Week. As with any “national celebration,” the goal is to bring awareness to an issue and highlight resources and recommendations specific to the problem being…
Polypharmacy Perils: The Harm And Expense Of Too Many Meds
July 27, 2022
It’s almost a rite of passage for most older adults: a growing number of bottles fill your medicine cabinet (did you know that may not be the best place to store your medications?) for the array of medical problems so many of us have as we age: pain, blood pressure,…
Sun And Skin: What’s Your Skin Cancer Risk?
July 20, 2022
At this point in your life, you’ve likely been reminded many times. Maybe in your younger years, you would lay in the sun all day and let your body soak up the rays (and your skin turn the color of sunburn)- but you likely no longer do that. You now…
Tech Support: Pushing The Boundaries Of Tech For Seniors At Home
January 19, 2022
Someone once said, “Once you have glimpsed the world as it might be, it is impossible to live anymore complacent in the world as it is.” That seems to be the way things are going with the integration of technology into the lives of older adults. If the pandemic has…
Over And Out: Are You Taking Meds You No Longer Need?
January 12, 2022
In this moment of new beginnings and a new year, taking stock of your own or your loved one’s health and well-being can be a useful exercise. And if you’re an older adult, or you care for someone who is, chances are one of the areas that would be important…