For Good Measure: The Importance Of Accurate Blood Pressure Measurement
January 1, 2025
Did someone give you a blood pressure monitor as a holiday gift this year? Perhaps not the most exciting or entertaining of gifts, but thankfully someone has your heart health front of mind. And that’s a good thing, as monitoring your blood pressure and keeping it within normal range is…
An Uphill Battle: Bringing Down Your Blood Pressure
February 21, 2024
It’s been called “the deadliest but most neglected and widespread pandemic of our time,” by none other than Tom Frieden, the former director of the CDC. In fact, the data show that more than 10 million people worldwide die from it each year. And if you’re an older adult, you…
Off The Cuff: Be Careful Monitoring Your Blood Pressure
September 20, 2023
So what do your numbers add up to? Your blood pressure numbers, that is. High blood pressure often has no symptoms yet is the cause of substantial ill health and premature death (estimates are over 650,000 US deaths per year are related to high blood pressure). So it’s critical that…
Hope For The Best: New Medications May Slow The Progress of Alzheimer’s- If You Can Access Them
May 17, 2023
For the more than 6 million Americans currently thought to have Alzheimer’s, and their loved ones, the possible benefits of new medications can’t come soon enough. As the most common cause of dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease predominantly afflicts older women (⅔ of Alzheimer’s patients are female) and almost ¾ of those…
Gauging Your Risk: New Tools To Help Determine Your Risk For Dementia
May 10, 2023
That dreaded “D” Word: dementia. No one looks forward to receiving a dementia diagnosis or being told they are at risk for dementia. But we have reached a point in our understanding of the disease, and our diagnostic capabilities, that we can now predict with some certainty, and at a…
Heart Throb: How Do You Know If You’re Having A Heart Attack?
March 29, 2023
It may no longer be National Heart Health Month (which takes place every February) but it’s still critical to learn about heart health and your own heart attack risks. Every year, over 800,000 Americans have a heart attack, and for the majority of them, it’s a first heart attack, meaning…