A Helping Hand: Some New Tips And Resources For Those Dealing With Dementia
March 31, 2021
Few of us escape the challenges posed by dementia, whether we’re a person diagnosed, an involved friend or loved one, or a hands-on caregiver. Over the years we’ve addressed the vast array of issues that can arise when Alzheimer’s and other dementias confront you or a loved one and we’ll…
Planning Ahead: The New PBS Documentary “Fast Forward”
March 24, 2021
If you’re like the majority of people, it’s a conversation you’ve likely avoided. Most of us try to steer clear of contemplating what the future may entail, much less plan ahead and take specific actions in response to what we can anticipate. It’s not a particularly uplifting conversation to consider…
Staying Home: Aging In Place Now More Than Ever
March 10, 2021
If nothing else, this past year has probably got you thinking about where and how you want to live going forward. You’ve probably had more than ample time to consider your four walls and everything else in your living environment, along with the distances you are from the things (and…
Optimism and Realism: Where Are We Now When It Comes To Alzheimer’s?
February 24, 2021
There’s certainly been no shortage of research, information, and updates when it comes to Alzheimer’s disease. While we still have a ways to go before effective diagnostic tools and therapeutic options are available to patients and families, we do have reason for optimism. Back in August 2020, we reported on…
Dementia Reimagined: A Conversation With Mary Fridley, Advocate For A Positive Approach To Dementia
January 20, 2021
For most people, a dementia diagnosis, either for oneself or a loved one, feels like a devastating blow: a strike at the heart of what makes a person uniquely human. Few would greet such a diagnosis as an opportunity for reimagining what is possible and positive in life. Yet, for…
Continuing Care: Providing Support Now To Aging Parents
November 18, 2020
For some of us, it’s taken a once-in-a-lifetime public health crisis to underscore how much our aging parents need our support and connection in order to successfully continue to “age in place.” From food supplies to doctor’s visits, what we once took for granted we may now need to explicitly…