Best End Place: Figuring Out Your Retirement Destination
August 11, 2021
In your fantasy life, where’s your “forever” place? That place you see yourself relaxing in retirement, perhaps taking up some new outdoor activities or engaging in new cultural adventures. Or perhaps your fantasy is more exotic: maybe you’re thinking about leaving your home state or even your home country and…
Coverage Crisis: Medicare And The Movement To Expand Coverage
July 1, 2021
Anyone who has signed up for Medicare or is anticipating doing so in the foreseeable future knows that it can be a cumbersome and complex process, with lots of factors to consider and decisions to be made. While ample resources exist to help you understand the Medicare system, it’s always…
Style and Stability: Say Hello To Bue, The Beautiful New Shower Chair
May 26, 2021
There’s a tendency when contemplating “aging in place”- and the equipment that may be needed to make that happen- that function automatically takes precedence over form- that it’s more important for the product to work than to look good. While some may be willing to settle for a useful product…
Parent Care: Supporting Aging Parents Now
May 19, 2021
No doubt if you and your loved ones have been fully vaccinated, chances are the in-person visits have resumed. And while there may be nothing better than an in-person hug and intimate gathering, the reality is that being together again may also reveal what’s been lost during the separation. Whether…
Pave The Way: Adaptive Products That Allow You To Age In Place
April 28, 2021
It’s a truism we’ve addressed many times: most of us would prefer to “age in place” as we get older. We want to stay in a familiar environment, among the people and places we love, rather than move to a facility. But for many, physical impairment may accompany aging, so…
Safe House: Where Will You Be Happiest Living Going Forward?
April 21, 2021
As we’ve previously highlighted in agebuzz, the pandemic has led many of us to consider, and reconsider, our current housing arrangements and what we may need and want going forward. It’s not just a matter of choosing an individual house, apartment, or senior living arrangement. It’s also a matter of…