The Costs Of Care: Dementia Raises The Financial Burden Of Caregiving
October 26, 2023
Receiving a diagnosis of dementia, whether the cause is Alzheimer’s, Lewy Body, vascular, or some other type, can be a devastating piece of news to digest. Chances are the person diagnosed has experienced many telltale symptoms even before the diagnosis is made, and often, it’s only in hindsight that the…
Eyes Wide Open: How To Approach The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period
October 18, 2023
If you’re an agebuzz reader, then you or a loved one likely has health insurance through Medicare: either the Original Medicare (along with a Medigap Supplemental Policy) or a Medicare Advantage plan, which covers all that Original Medicare does but may also offer additional benefits (along with certain costs and…
Lend A Hand: Helping Your Aging Parents
October 11, 2023
Even in the best of circumstances, it’s a challenging task that can easily be derailed. If you’re trying to help an aging parent, you know the score. One day things can seem fine yet the next, everything can come crashing down. So even when things are going well, it can…
Never Ending: Long Term Care Costs Continue To Go Up
August 23, 2023
It likely comes as no surprise to agebuzz readers: Paying for the costs of long term care- whether in your home, at an adult day care center, or at an assisted living facility or nursing home- can be enormously expensive, in fact, out of reach for many if not most….
Photo Shoot: Visual Images Of Aging and Caregiving
August 23, 2023
No doubt you’ve heard the phrase “A picture’s worth 1,000 words.” When it comes to photographs documenting what it’s like to be in the throws of dementia (or a caregiver of a person living with dementia) or to be a long-married couple living your final days, the images captured by…
The Future Is Now: Humanoid Robot Caregivers and Companions
July 19, 2023
By now you know we’re a nation (and for that matter, a world) that’s getting older by the day. But just as many of our natural resources cannot keep up with the demands of an aging population, so, too, do we fall short with the availability of care providers and…