Medicare Mess Up: Thousands Of Recipients Have Unpaid Premiums Due To A “Processing” Error
June 12, 2019
For some of us, it’s our worst nightmare; somehow forgetting to pay an important bill and then suffering the consequences as a result. For over 200,000 Medicare recipients, their premium bills went unpaid for several months – but not because the recipients forgot to pay. Rather, it seems Medicare messed…
Taking Care: Artificial Intelligence And Robots In The Caregiving Arena
June 5, 2019
As in almost all aspects of our lives, artificial intelligence (AI) is seeping into the health care arena, including long term care for older people, either at home or in facilities. In hospitals, you’re beginning to see robots deliver pills or lunch trays and transport specimens to labs. And of…
On Your Way Out: Advice About Hospital Discharge Into A Rehab Facility
May 22, 2019
If you or a loved one has been hospitalized in recent years, you’ve probably had this experience: You’ve barely put on the hospital gown when a “discharge planner” starts the conversation about where you’ll go once the hospital decides you should leave. It’s not necessarily a bad thing to start…
Navigating A Potential Minefield: Using Mediation To Resolve Caregiving Disputes
May 13, 2019
Take one older relative in need of assistance. Add in several adult children and grandchildren, all of whom live in different parts of the country. Mix in some unexpected health problems…and what do you have? A potentially volatile situation, as everyone struggles to figure out their roles and responsibilities. Tensions…
Living A Lie: How To Approach Truth-Telling With A Dementia Patient
May 1, 2019
If you’ve been involved in the care of someone with dementia, you’ve probably faced this moment of truth: Should you always be brutally honest, no matter how hurtful that seems or how little you may be understood, or do you tell a “white lie” or create a deception in the…
All In The Family: The Challenges Of Being A Family Caregiver
April 24, 2019
While you can feel enormous satisfaction from being a family caregiver, the burdens and sacrifices are real and substantial. A recent seminal report from AARP makes clear that the challenges faced by today’s family caregivers are growing more complicated. The report, Home Alone Revisited: Family Members Providing Complex Care, details…