Carrying On: The Toil And Toll Of Family Caregiving
September 26, 2018
Anyone who’s been a hands-on “informal” family caregiver probably knows these feelings: worrying about the health and well-being of your loved one, trying to keep track of the cash flow, figuring out how to find that needed 25th hour in your day or even grieving over the life you used…
Home Care: Home Monitoring For Your Heart And Your Health
September 26, 2018
Those who suffer from high blood pressure probably understand why it’s called a “silent killer.” Often there are few if any symptoms to alert you to a problem and it’s only when there’s an acute crisis do you realize the danger you’re in. So, unless you’re vigilant with your meds…
Remote Control: Technology To Assist Long Distance Caregiving
June 11, 2018
As the trend to “age-in-place” continues, and many seniors determine that moving to a facility or retirement community is not for them, there remains the challenge of ensuring that supports are in place for community-dwelling seniors, especially as physical or cognitive impairments mount and family caregivers are far away. New…
Tech Time: Is It Time You Embraced Technology For Youself Or Your Loved Ones?
April 4, 2018
It seems that every time you read the news, there’s some new gadget or tech toy that has come on the market to catch your eye. But in this day and age, when time and resources are tight and aging populations are booming, embracing technology may not be a choice….
A Matter Of Health: Are Hospitals The Way To Go?
February 27, 2018
No one likes going to the hospital if you can avoid it. For older patients, there’s even evidence that hospitals can cause as many problems as they solve. Health experts are now beginning to chime in on what may be the death knell of modern hospitals as we’ve known them….
No Place Like Home: Rethinking Hospital Care For Seniors
February 20, 2017
No one like to go to the hospital, but sometimes there’s just no choice- or is there? If you ask Dr. Bruce Leff, a geriatrician at Johns Hopkins, whatever you can do to keep seniors out of hospitals is a worthwhile effort, even if you need to set up hospital-level…