Double Up: Innovative (And Less Expensive) Housing Ideas
March 2, 2022
It’s tough out there. With the world in turmoil, inflation rampant, and COVID still present, no one knows for sure what tomorrow brings. But many of us do know that no matter how much we planned or how much money we saved, we may still have trouble supporting ourselves in…
Tech Support: Pushing The Boundaries Of Tech For Seniors At Home
January 19, 2022
Someone once said, “Once you have glimpsed the world as it might be, it is impossible to live anymore complacent in the world as it is.” That seems to be the way things are going with the integration of technology into the lives of older adults. If the pandemic has…
That Will Cost You: Caring For Yourself Or Loved Ones During The Later Years
October 6, 2021
It’s a mixed message for sure, but one to which we need to pay careful attention. In a new study out of the Center For Retirement Research at Boston College, experts found that the percentage of older adults needing long-term care services is a more nuanced picture than the media…
Tech Alert: The Ongoing Development Of Technology Aimed At Seniors
October 6, 2021
The futurist Alvin Toffler once said, “Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate.” For many if not most older adults, the pace of technological change and advances- just in a matter of years- has been both breathless and perhaps overwhelming. While so many of…
Steady And Stable: Strategies To Improve Balance And Lessen Fall Injuries
August 4, 2021
While it’s not inevitable, it is a fact that the older you become, the greater your risk of falling. The CDC reports that one in 4 adults age 65 and older falls each year, and falls are the leading cause of both non-fatal and fatal injuries among older adults, with…
Kinship: The Dilemma Of Dealing With Aging Parents
July 28, 2021
No doubt, the visits between the generations have likely resumed. Whether you’re finally hugging your grandchildren again or are reckoning with your parents’ “aging-in-place” plan, you’ve likely made your mental list of what was lost during the pandemic and what can be rekindled or strengthened. Particularly for those who are…