Keep Your Friends Close: Friendships Are Essential Relationships As You Age
April 10, 2024
No doubt you know by now that social engagement is critical for healthy aging and that friendships can be some of the most important and rewarding relationships in your life as you get older. Through no fault of your own, however, friendships can fizzle and fray, or perhaps even disappear,…
Clean Enough: Revising Your Ideas For Decluttering
March 27, 2024
It’s that time of year when many of us hope to sweep out the remnants of winter from our homes and open up the doors and windows to let the spring weather in. In addition to spring cleaning, there is often the desire to declutter, dispose of, or donate possessions…
Favorable Places: Considerations For Choosing The Best Place to Retire
February 14, 2024
There’s no doubt that some of us have tamped down our wanderlust during our working years, only to have it come roaring back once our ties to the office are untethered. Whether we have an itch to travel or an aspiration to lead a different type of life, we may…
The Driving Force: Planning For The Day When Driving Is Done
January 31, 2024
There are many reasons to be concerned about the safety and abilities of older drivers in this day and age, reasons that have nothing to do with outdated stereotypes or ageist tropes. There are currently 48 million drivers ages 65 and older on US roads, which is nearly 70% more…
Tips For Tidying: Trying To Clear The Clutter
January 3, 2024
Now that it’s 2024, many will start the year by saying, “Out with the old, in with the new.” But when it comes to the products and possessions that fill your life (and your living space), “in with the new” may be a questionable tactic and even downright dysfunctional. Too…
Aging Solo: Planning For Aging On Your Own
October 26, 2023
A recent national survey of older adults living alone, conducted by AARP, found both good and not-so-good news when it comes to seniors aging “solo.” About 10% of the US population over age 50 are “solo agers” and for women over age 75, that number jumps to 42%. It’s a…